Hello :) How are you?! I'm popping in today to give you an update regarding this blog. I've been wavering for quite some time now on whether or not to keep this blog active. I feel that social media has taken over the world in it's efficiency and communication and I'm not 100% sure this is the best outlet for me to reach my fans, friends and readers. That's why my posts have been so few and far between lately, as I do some marketing research and think about what's next in the means of online communication streaming.
If you aren't friends with me on Facebook, let's definitely connect! Stephanie Smokovich
and Titter too @StephanieHunt6
I am also active on Instagram and post a lot at #StephanieSmoke
If you have any thoughts either way about this blogging leaving or staying please leave me a comment here on this post.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
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